is a graphic design company, created to promote the work of young artist in communities plagued by violence, homelessness, and drug use. ©HOODOLOGY uses these bases to create deep meanings in murals, collages, posters, and many other different types of art, created by students in these communities. ©HOODOLOGY is the light in a dark room and we hope to be the spark to start an even larger fire, in the hearts of the children growing up in the community.


What do you think about our group name?

What type of things do you think of when you think of the "hood?" lol.....


  1. 1. It sounds like a dictionary of slang words.
    2. Gangsters and hip hop and stuff.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When we think of the "hood", we think of.....
    Hoodie jackets with designer shades and big shiny shoes.
    Also, we think that "hood" should have a dirty but not like DIRTY more
    grindy feel to it. But overall good

  4. I believe your name is perfect because it fits the designer toy concept.................................................................................

  5. When I hear hood I think of cadillacs and gangsters. Since your name is hoodology I agree with Dro, the whole dictionary thing. So all your toys should be hood related.

  6. i agree with Isugui.. your name does fit your stye of toys that you are creating

  7. I think that your company name is really good because it is very catchy. Also, I think that your designs are really good.

  8. Your guy's name is catchy, so it's cool. And the hood makes me thinks of gangster movies.

  9. I like the group name but maybe you should go on to urbandictonary.com

  10. when i hear hood i here more so of the the gangsters and other stuff.
    maybe a good toy would be some sort of gangster like the toy oconnor had.

  11. i think it sounds all ight....but it sounds like a bnch of smart gang bangers lol.......but the hood makes me think of buildings

  12. i like your group name because you guys dont even live in the hood but you act like it

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. ... sorry, that was not what i meant... but the hoodology sounds really Great, and what came to mind was, a bunch of pimps, chilling and following the hood-hand-book. XD


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